We’ve all been there: living the dream-sharing a pristine point break with a few of our best mates when Mother Nature decides to sink her fangs in with a healthy dose of reef rash to remind us who’s boss. The search for swell often brings us as surfers to some of the most beautiful and remote areas of the globe, the key word here being “remote”. With limited resources and often limited cell service, an injury can make what was a dream trip into a nightmare.
This is where Active Skin Repair comes in. This non-toxic skin and wound repair solution work to kill 99.9% of bacteria within 15 seconds of application. How is this possible you may ask? The Active Skin Repair spray and hydrogel use a thing called hypochlorous (HOCl), which is naturally produced by our white blood cells to kill bacteria, reduce inflammation and expedite the natural healing process. This active ingredient is non-toxic and non-sensitizing, making it safe to use around the eyes, ears, and mouth.
What is Active Skin Repair?

Active Skin Repair Spray is a wound care and skin repair product made to medical standards. It is easy to use, can be used for more than one thing, and helps the body heal itself. Active Skin Repair’s Spray uses the same molecule that is recommended by doctors and has been shown to work in hospitals and homes around the world.
Active Spray works on: Minor wounds, cuts, scrapes, sunburns, normal burns, chaffing, rashes, insect bites, and other skin irritations – including eczema.
The product is non-toxic, non-sensitizing (aka does not sting), cruelty-free and vegan.
Hypochlorous acid is the key to the success of Active’s Regenerative Technology (HOCl). The white blood cells in our bodies make HOCl a natural way to help the natural healing process. All of this is in a 3oz bottle that is approved by the TSA.
For the first time, this regenerative technology lets you use the same molecule that your body uses internally to treat damage to your skin on the outside. Since the product is natural and does not contain any harmful chemicals, it is safe to use around the eyes, mouth, and ears.
Clinically Proven Safe & Effective
Active Skin Repair uses the same molecule that your body makes to treat your skin. This is why it is so good at treating so many different skin problems safely.
The product has won many awards, is accepted by the National Eczema Association, is FDA-cleared, and is recommended by doctors all over the world.
Replace Your First-Aid Kit With One Non-Toxic Product!
Active Skin Repair is different from other products because it can fix a wide range of skin problems that would normally need a buffet of creams, ointments, and sprays. It’s a medical-grade treatment for everyday skin problems like cuts, scrapes, rashes, burns, bug bites, sunburns, and more!
Most importantly, there is only one active ingredient in Active Skin Repair. This is Hypochlorous Acid. No petroleum, no harsh chemicals, no antibiotics, no parabens, no fragrances… just natural healing
Hypoallergenic & oil-free: Since your body already makes the only active ingredient in Active Skin Repair, it makes sense that no one has ever had an allergic reaction to it.
No Stinging Or Side Effects
There are no stings and no side effects! You can also spray it around your eyes, mouth, face, and other sensitive areas without any worries. Plus, people of all ages and even pets can use it.
How does it work?
With a few sprays, you can treat almost any small wound or skin irritation on the outside, even if it’s on sensitive skin or near your eyes. It only has one safe, natural, and non-toxic ingredient.
Hypochlorous acid (HOCl), an amazing acid that your body already makes to help you heal, is responsible for all of this. Just spray it on any small cut, burn, scratch, bug bite, or eczema (the list goes on).
HOCl has been studied and used in hospitals for decades, so we know it works. Scientists have only been able to make it stable in this easy-to-use form for consumers in the past few years. It’s the first treatment for your skin that is safe, doesn’t cause allergies, and calms inflammation.
Benefits of Active Skin Repair
- Recommended by dermatologists and pediatricians
- FDA-cleared as a 510(k) medical device.
- The National Eczema Association has approved this product.
- The clinically proven active ingredient in Active Skin Repair.
- It is proudly made in the USA.
Ingredients of Active Skin Repair
For the 3oz BLDG Active Skin Repair Spray, these are the ingredients:
Active Ingredients: 0.010 percent Hypochlorous Acid (HOCl)
Inactive Ingredients : Electrolyzed H2O, Sodium Chloride (NaCl), Sodium Hypochlorite (NaOCl), and Phosphates are the main ingredients.
How is Active Skin Repair made?
Active Skin Repair is made by BLGD Active. Justin Gardner, who has worked for years in the field of regenerative medicine, started this company. That’s where he found the molecule called HOCl or hypochlorous.
According to BLGD’s website, “when made correctly, HOCl can kill 99.9% of all bacteria within 15 seconds of contact, which helps the body’s natural healing process.” HOCl is also 100% natural, 100% non-toxic, antibiotic-free, petroleum-free, painless, and completely safe to use around the eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
How To Use Active Skin Repair?
The Active Skin Repair Spray System Is Easy To Use. It is mess-free, quick, easy, and safe.
- Spray the affected area with spray
- You may reapply as needed
- Let the molecule do its thing!
Use Active Repair Hydrogel on cuts, scrapes, sunburns, regular burns, chaffing, rashes, wounds, insect bites, and other skin irritations.
Before using, shake it up well. Use a lot of active repair hydrogel on the area that hurts. Use once to five times a day, or as needed.
It is safe to use around the mouth, nose, ears, and eyes.
Spray or Hydrogel? The active ingredient in both Active Skin Repair products is HOCL. The Hydrogel uses a non-toxic, biodegradable gel that helps keep damaged skin moist, while the spray gives off a fine mist of liquid. You can use the hydrogel and spray together or separately, depending on your preference.
Who is behind this revolutionary product?
Justin Gardner, an avid outdoorsman, is no stranger to skin injuries. As a worker in the regenerative wound care industry, he was annoyed by how many sprays, creams, and ointments he had to use to treat his skin problems. So when Justin found out about HOCl, he decided to try the formula on himself. Not only did it work, but it worked quickly and on more than one skin problem.
Justin saw how great this amazing idea could be. He put together a group of business owners, doctors, athletes, and parents to make a version that was easy for everyone to use.
Difference between Active Skin Repair vs Triple Antibiotic Ointments
Active Skin Repair is
- Natural
- Biodegradable
- No risk of allergic reaction
- No antibiotic resistance
Triple antibiotic ointments
- Antibiotics made from synthetic materials
- Based on petroleum
- Approximately 10% of people experience allergic reactions
- Antibiotic resistance can occur as a result
Harmful Effects of Antibiotic ointments
Antibiotics can save your life if you have an infection. But antibiotics can also hurt you if you take them when you don’t need to. The longer you use antibiotics, the less likely it is that they will work when you need them.
Antibiotics can cause side effects: Antibiotics that you take by mouth can give you an upset stomach, make you throw up, give you diarrhoea, and give you yeast infections in your vaginal area. They can also make people allergic. Some of these are rashes, bumps, itching, and trouble breathing. Almost 1 out of every 5 trips to the emergency room are because of side effects from antibiotics.
Wounds can take longer to heal when you use antibiotic creams and ointments: And they can make the skin red, swell, blister, ooze, and itch.
Antibiotics can breed superbugs: More than half of the antibiotics used in the United States are unnecessary. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say that’s the case. “Superbugs” can grow when people take antibiotics when they don’t need them. There are hard-to-kill bacteria here. They can make getting well harder and cause health problems. You can give other people superbugs.
Antibiotics can be a waste of money: Oral antibiotics can cost anywhere from $8 to more than $200. Creams and ointments with antibiotics can cost anywhere from $5 to more than $150. Plus, you may have to pay more for health care and treatments because antibiotics can cause side effects and superbugs.
Where To Buy and Price
The best place to buy Active Skin Repair is from their official website. You are assured of the quality of the product and also get lucrative discounts.
- 1 for $24.99
- 3 for $65.98 (When you buy 2, you get 1 free)
- 5 for $98.97 (when you buy 3, you get 2 free)
Active Skin Repair Customer Reviews
I have been dealing with dehydrated and infected skin (specifically the space between my eyes, the side my face sleep ons, neck, insides of my elbows, and knees) for almost a year now. I have tried everything, hydrocortisone, Neosporin, allergy medication, Vaseline, moisturizer, sea salt soaks, even bathing less.. I have chronic eczema. I bought the spray for ease of convenience and to lower the risk of contamination from using my hands to apply the ointment. This stuff is a DIME IN A DOZEN… after only using it for 2 days, the patch between my eyes is no longer bright red, dry or flakey, and healing tremendously where all other products failed. I feel my skin barrier improving and getting stronger! The other dry patches on my face are healing, as well as the other open, weeping flare ups on my body. I LOVE THIS STUFF. I just ordered another bottle! – Courtney
If you have stubborn wounds that won’t heal
Amazing. I’m shocked at how well this works. I surf and am constantly cutting myself or scraping my knees. I’ve had the cut shown for over a month with no healing. I’ve soaked it, gotten prescription cream and it wouldn’t heal since I am in the water a lot. The second picture shows two days later!!!! It’s not red and sore and it’s halfway healed. I use it for everything and I’m amazed. I work with small kids (teacher) and I put it on my small injury’s that come from being around small furniture. It even worked on a canker sore that made me want to cry!!!! Buy this and use it – Rooks101
Buy it. You need this!
Unless you stop making this product, I will never be without a bottle in my medicine cabinet! I use it for all kinds of cuts, scrapes, insect bites, burns and all manner of injuries! The first time that I used it was for a cut finger. A kitchen injury, sharp knife, you know the rest. I soaked a cotton ball with Active Skin Repair and with waterproof tape I secured it to the cut finger. In the morning I removed the tape and was shocked to see how well my finger looked! Over night Active Skin Repair had started to heal the cut! It looked awesome! Thank you! – Sylvia W.
Yes, it does work!
Active Skin Repair Spray is a wound care and skin repair product made to medical standards. It is easy to use, can be used for more than one thing, and helps the body heal itself. The Spray uses the same molecule that is recommended by doctors and has been shown to work in hospitals and homes around the world. It works on: Minor wounds, cuts, scrapes, sunburns, normal burns, chaffing, rashes, insect bites, and other skin irritations – including eczema. The product is non-toxic, non-sensitizing (aka does not sting), cruelty-free and vegan.
Q. What is the time span of usability of the spray and the gel?
A. The shelf life of both products is 2 years.
Q. Ingredients what are they?
A. There are no petroleum, harsh chemicals, or added fragrance
Q. Could this be utilized on eyelids?
A. Yes, this can be used on your eyelids. You can also use our spray which can safely and easily be sprayed over the eyes.