Chill Pill Reviews – Is It Worth It?
Mend Your Mental Chill Pill has taken the market by storm in the United States, Australia, Canada, and the United Kingdom and there is a lot of noise around the product.
Stress and anxiety have become a normal part of our lives and it is definitely not healthy in the long run. It is no surprise that there are a lot of products in various forms and types out there that you can buy right now to control your stress and anxiety
Unfortunately, this has also become an area where companies might try to take advantage of you by selling fake products that are not really effective in any good way. So, that is why it is crucial to look at this Mend Your Mental Chill Pill before you decide to buy it.
This product is said to help control your stress and anxiety levels. Because mental health is such a big issue, it is better to conduct an in-depth review of the Mend Your Mental Health Chill Pill.
People have been talking about this product and saying that it helps them keep their minds at peace and controls stress. So, let’s look at the Chill Pill review and see if it’s worth it.
What is Chill Pill?

The Chill Pill is a popular new handheld device that uses Electrotherapy to help reduce insomnia.
To put it simply, Electrotherapy seeks to restore balance to your brain’s neurochemicals by delivering pulses of low-intensity currents to your body.
These currents are created by holding a small handheld device that emits electronic waves. These waves send a message to your brain that it’s time to relax and sleep.
Mend Your Mental Chill Pill is a simple gripping tool that people can use as a wristband. It comes with a USB port and a cable. The brand, at CES, showcased that this device uses cranial electrotherapy stimulation technology to keep people stress-free.
The official site of Mend Your Mental describes this product as a neurotransmitter that sends out pulse signals. The signals tell your body that it is time to relax and get a good quality sleep. As per the site, the electrotherapy stimulation used in this gadget is scientifically proven to help treat anxiety and insomnia.
In an era where pretty much no one gets good quality sleep, this product really helps improve sleep quality and it also decreases the stress-causing hormones. Overall helps control anxiousness.
At the time of writing this article, we found out that the Chill Pill is available at USD 65 and comes with a 100% money-back guarantee.
This product also reduces your pulse so that you can relax a little bit. It also enhances concentration levels in many people.
Features of Chill Pill
- All-Natural and Non-Addictive: Anxiety is almost always fought with drugs. Pills can help, but sadly they lead to new issues like dependence and addiction. With the Chill Pill, you aren’t fixing one problem just to create another. It’s non-addictive, non-habit-forming, and has zero side effects.
- Discreet. It’s easy to hold the Chill Pill in your hand wherever you go, without calling attention to yourself. On a plane, in class, while you’re hanging out with friends or family, watching a movie, even in a meeting. It’s so discreet you never have to worry about calling attention to the moments when you are actively calming your body down.
- Practical & Portable. The Chill Pill comes with a rubber sleeve that extends into a bracelet and wraps comfortably around your wrist. Throw it in your purse, leave it dangling from your wrist throughout the day, or slip it in and out of your pocket; whatever works for you! It’s so light and practical, making it easy to bring everywhere.
- Save TONS of Money. The alternatives to the Chill Pill are medications, supplements, and therapy. All of these alternatives are expensive AND cost money on a regular basis. But the Chill Pill is a one-time purchase. All you have to do is recharge and you’re ready to go. This is a huge cost-saving benefit to everyone who fights anxiety.
- Electrotherapy Stimulation is Safe: Some people get freaked out because they don’t understand how it works. So I just point out that there are all these scientific journals about how safe and effective this is at reducing anxiety.
How The Chill Pill Reduces Anxiety
As my therapist explained, using the Chill Pill is easy: All you do is hold it in your hand.
To turn it on, you simply hold down the middle button until you see the Chill Pill start to glow. Then you can adjust the pulse up or down to raise or lower the intensity.
The main pulse emits from the large silver circle in the middle. So you just wrap your hand around it until you feel the pulse. You can also move it around your body to places like the lower back of your neck, inside of the wrists, the top of the palm, and the front of your thighs – until you feel your anxiety subside and your body calm down.
He said it charges completely in one hour and holds the charge for 20 hours, making it easy to carry around with you all day.
What Is Electrotherapy Stimulation – and Why Is It so Effective at Naturally Relieving Anxiety

He explained how stress and anxiety are caused by an imbalance of hormones and neurotransmitters in our brain. And how those neurochemicals are controlled by tiny electrochemical signals.
“When you’re stressed, that electrical activity functions improperly, causing a hormone deficiency. This can severely increase your anxiety… and if it’s bad enough, you can feel like you’re dying,” he said.
“To help correct this, the Chill Pill emits tiny electronic waves that send a signal to your brain to restore the various neurochemicals back to their pre-stress state.”
How do you use the Chill Pill to fall asleep?
Using it is easy: Simply hold onto the Chill Pill to perform the soothing Electrotherapy. You can use it every night, as often as you want – with no side effects.

Weighing in at just 50 grams, it’s lighter than an Apple AirPod case and shaped to fit perfectly in the palm of your hand.
Experts recommend using the device for about 20 minutes prior to the time you wish to fall asleep. According to the Chill Pill website, here’s how to use it:
- Hold the Chill Pill in your left hand on a slow, comfortable frequency setting.
- Once it shuts off (after 20 minutes), switch hands and hold it for another full cycle.
You should begin to drift off after the first cycle. If not, it’s perfectly safe to continue the pattern until you fall asleep.
The device takes one hour to be fully charged and holds a charge for 20 hours. It’s safe for anyone over the age of six to use. However, the company recommends consulting a physician if you have a history of heart issues, nerve damage, carpal tunnel, or if you’re pregnant.
Chill Pill vs Sleeping Pill: What’s Safer?

According to the data, The Chill Pill is clearly a much safer alternative to sleeping pills.
“Yes, pills work in the short term – but they’re extremely addictive and very, very hard to kick,” says Kingrea. “And the withdrawals can be torturous at minimum and deadly at worst.”
“We think these sleeping pills are very dangerous,” says Daniel F. Kripke, MD, emeritus professor of psychiatry at the University of California.
“We think they cause death. We think they cause cancers,” he says.3
With such grave warnings, it’s no wonder thousands of people are turning to the Chill Pill. They say it’s just as effective – yet they wake up feeling more refreshed and don’t have to worry about a tragic accident or lifelong addiction.
How Chill Pill Works?

It sounds unbelievable: Just by holding the Chill Pill in your hand, you can quickly reduce symptoms of anxiety and fall asleep – while enjoying better sleep quality and reducing stress. But it’s true – and we have the science and the real user stories to prove it!
It’s all thanks to the breakthrough method called Electrotherapy Stimulation, which sends gentle electronic pulses from your hand to your brain that tell your nervous system to relax. This method is 100% safe1 and natural… and now, thanks to the Chill Pill, you finally have an affordable handheld version you can take anywhere!
Who should not use the Chill Pill?
Electrotherapy cannot be used by people who have nerve damage, shunts, or carpal tunnel, and is not recommended for anyone with heart issues. Furthermore, women who are pregnant should avoid electrotherapy treatment, as safe use has not been established for pregnancy.
- Electrotherapy should not be used in areas of the body where cancerous lesions exist.
- The treatment should not be applied in areas of the skin that are swollen, infected, or inflamed (e.g. varicose veins)
- Patients suspected of having serious infectious diseases or diseases that require heat or fevers to be suppressed should not be treated with electrotherapy.
- Electrotherapy current should not be applied to the anterior neck (carotid sinus) or through the head.
- Patients with cardiac demand pacemakers should not be treated using powered muscle stimulators.
- TENS waveforms should not be used on patients who have cardiac demand pacemakers.
Do you need a prescription for the Chill Pill?
Because the Chill Pill is a Class III Medical Device, you do not need a prescription to order one. Simply go to the company’s website here to place your order.
Chill Pill Pricing
The Chill Pill is priced at $49.50 per unit. You can save money by ordering multiple Chill Pills per order.
Here’s how pricing breaks down when ordering online today:
- 1 x Chill Pill: $49.50 + Shipping
- 2 x Chill Pills: $89.99 + Free US Shipping
- 3 x Chill Pills: $128.56 + Free US Shipping
Here’s Why People Love The Chill Pill
I originally got this thing for my sleep problems (takes hours to get to sleep every night) and it has changed my night routine completely. I look forward to bedtime now! But it’s been even better for my ptsd-took my panic attacks down from at least 1-2 a week to maybe 1 a month, best investment ever for the mentally ill lol!
This little gadget has been a legit game changer for my anxiety. Idk if anyone else gets crazy panicky when getting lashes and nails done but I do… well, I used to! Not anymore, thank god
I purchased the Chill Pill to help me sleep. I work at night and had a hard time sleeping during the day.
I use the chill pill when I can not relax and wind down enough to go to sleep.
It’s made a world of a difference. am able to go to sleep quickly when using my chill pill.
Jerri Winnett
Is Mend Your Mental Chill Pill Legit?
While doing our research, we found the availability of the product on a number of e-commerce websites including Amazon.
We also found out that most of the reviews of this product are positive on many websites that sell this product.
With a lot of credible websites selling this product online and its availability, this product seems legit from a lot of perspectives.
The only concern about the product website is that it’s been live only recently in 2021. There are a lot of positive points about this product but there might be some drawbacks as well.
To be on the safer side, we advise our users to conduct their own research before buying the product.
Frequently Asked Question
Who should not use the Chill Pill?
Electrotherapy should not be used in areas of the body where cancerous lesions exist.
The treatment should not be applied in areas of the skin that are swollen, infected, or inflamed (e.g. varicose veins)
Patients suspected of having serious infectious diseases or diseases that require heat or fevers to be suppressed should not be treated with electrotherapy.
Electrotherapy current should not be applied to the anterior neck (carotid sinus) or through the head.
Patients with cardiac demand pacemakers should not be treated using powered muscle stimulators.
TENS waveforms should not be used on patients who have cardiac demand pacemakers.
Why do I need a Chill Pill?
Why not just use sleeping pills?
What is the Chill Pill made of?
How often do I need to charge the Chill Pill?
Can I sleep with the Chill Pill on my hand?
Can you use the Chill Pill if you’re pregnant?
How does the Chill Pill work?
Final Verdict
Various products are available in the market. As far as this particular product of Chill Pill is concerned, this specific product has become fascinating for many customers due to its uniqueness.
Through this particular article of Mend Your Mental Chill Pill Review, we suggest you wait for a while for the reviews and ask our readers not to go for the same.
Based on our research, we can conclude that the product is not reliable yet.
Do share your views if you have tried it yet, or heard about any of its reviews!